Netex | Brandlif



Automated currency exchange service


Corporate identity

Дизайн логотипа "Netex trade"

О компании

Netex – автоматизированный сервис обмена валют, который работает в режиме реального времени и позволяет вам практически моментально обменять одну валюту на другую.


Разработать дизайн логотипа и трансформировать его
в айдентику компании.

About company

Netex – an automated currency exchange service that
works in real time and allows you to exchange one currency for another almost instantly. Service is a guarantor of comfort for customers.


Develop a logo design and transform it into the identity
of the company.


Разрабатывая новую концепцию логотипа, мы стремились более конкретно отразить тональность бренда и клиентоориентированность компании «Netex». Для этого мы использовали символ бесконечности, мягкость форм, доминантный элемент «N» как название компании и отражение главной мысли бренда.


Developing a new logo concept, we sought to more specifically reflect the brand tone and customer orientation of Netex. To do this, we used the infinity symbol, the softness of forms, the dominant element “N” as the company name and a reflection of the main idea of the brand.

Строка из логотипа "Netex trade"
Построение логотипа "Netex trade"

Построение логотипа / Building a logo

Логотип состоит из шрифтовой части, набранным шрифтом Galvji, и графического знака. Знак представляет собой композицию знака бесконечности.

The logo consists of a font part, typed in Galvji font, and a graphic sign. The sign is a composition of the infinity sign.

Фирменные цвета палитры "Netex trade"

Цветовое решение

Основное цветовое решение строгое и свежее — это сочетание глубокого синего с салатовым. Такое сочетание способно задать верную тональность бренда. Современность и динамику мы подчеркнули градиентом цвета.

Color scheme

The main color scheme is strict and fresh — a combination of deep blue with light green. This combination is able to set the right tone of the brand. We emphasized modernity and dynamics with a color gradient.

Светодиодная вывеска "Netex trade"
Дизайн приложения на телефон "Netex trade"
Световая конструкция с логотипом в помещении
Баннер на экране "Netex trade"
Дизайн приложения в темной и светлой темах на планшете "Netex trade"
Фирменный конверт "Netex trade"

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They understood us absolutely right the first time and provided us with a package design concept, which was subsequently accepted and produced. We are very satisfied.


We entrusted the Brandlif team with the management of social networks. The work was always done qualitatively and on time. Recommended!


We worked together in a number of areas: from packaging design and outdoor advertising to comprehensive social media management. We have always been pleased with the results!


When it was time to think about a new name, a recognizable logo and corporate style, I turned to the Brandlif team. Not once did I regret it - the result surpassed all expectations!


Thank you Brandlif Digital Agency for the quality and prompt work, for the pleasant and sincere communication. Among the variety of proposals on the market only Dmitry Zabavin's team approached the issue with a keen interest, with a desire to produce a great result, and not just to work off the order.


We would like to thank the agency Brandlif for developing the site. The guys approached the process creatively, and we and our clients were happy with the result!


The Brandlif team took a comprehensive approach to working on our project, offering the latest and most advanced ways to promote the brand and product. When we came for the promotion of Instagram accounts, we got full-fledged marketing support for the whole business.


We express our gratitude to the agency Brandlif for the development of the site.
Young creative team, experts in their field. We were delighted with the site.


Social network

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